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Read online Chi Harold Liu - Video Summarization : Structure Parsing and Content Extraction TXT, FB2, PDF


The arrival of the digital age has created the need to be able to store, manage, and digitally use an ever-increasing amount of video and audio material. Thus, video cataloguing has emerged as a requirement of the times. Video Cataloguing: Structure Parsing and Content Extraction explains how to efficiently perform video structure analysis as well as extract the basic semantic contents for video summarization, which is essential for handling large-scale video data. This book addresses the issues of video cataloguing, including video structure parsing and basic semantic word extraction, particularly for movie and teleplay videos. It starts by providing readers with a fundamental understanding of video structure parsing. It examines video shot boundary detection, recent research on video scene detection, and basic ideas for semantic word extraction, including video text recognition, scene recognition, and character identification. The book lists and introduces some of the most commonly used features in video analysis. It introduces and analyzes the most popular shot boundary detection methods and also presents recent research on movie scene detection as another important and critical step for video cataloguing, video indexing, and retrieval. The authors propose a robust movie scene recognition approach based on a panoramic frame and representative feature patch. They describe how to recognize characters in movies and TV series accurately and efficiently as well as how to use these character names as cataloguing items for an intelligent catalogue. The book proposes an interesting application of highlight extraction in basketball videos and concludes by demonstrating how to design and implement a prototype system of automatic movie and teleplay cataloguing (AMTC) based on the approaches introduced in the book.

Read online book Video Summarization : Structure Parsing and Content Extraction in TXT, MOBI

A gorgeous volume [that] celebrates the legacy of Lee." - Time Out New York "Whether working in theater, opera or dance, Ming Cho Lee has made an incalculable contribution to the performing arts in America.It's the perfect kit for beginners and advance paper folders alike.The author provides a straightforward overview of the functions and benefits of these systems and how they can assist with fire suppression, code enforcement, alarm response, and elevator rescue.Tracing a history of how Asian American film was initially conceived as a form of public-interest media, part of a broader effort to give voice to underrepresented American minorities, Okada shows why this seemingly well-intentioned project inspired deeply ambivalent responses.Because the film songs operate as powerful sonic ambassadors to individual and cultural memories in India and abroad, however, they are significant and carefully-constructed works of art.Enabling photographers to easily achieve traditional lighting styles that have been the basis of good portraiture since the advent of the art, this book and accompanying DVD is the perfect resource for anyone looking to elevate the quality of their images.This cookbook-style guide to portrait lighting contains all the ingredients necessary for a successful photo shoot.Whether you wish to capture product images for use in print or on the web, or you want to improve your photos for personal use, this book will provide you with everything you need to know to get great results.Complete answer keys for both the worktext lessons and the reproducibles are also provided in this guide.This is an Enhanced eBook on CD.The first book in the series, Psychoanalytic Film Theory and The Rules of the Game, offers a concise introduction to psychoanalytic film theory in jargon-free language and shows how this theory can be deployed to interpret Jean Renoir's classic film.Garnett doesn't overlook the basics either, with sections on what to look for in a building site, how to read a basic floor plan, and what to expect when you order the "blueprints," or construction documents.Whether purchasing a stock plan or working with an architect, every buyer of a design for a new home or addition will find this indispensable handbook worth the purchase price many times over -- especially when that dream home is fully realized., Every new house begins with a dream-and a home plan.Find out, too, how to combine colours for different styles, and how to tap into your creativity by painting patterns freehand.How do changeable artworks induce a rethinking of those museological paradigms that assume fixity and stasis?Achieve Consistent Learning Outcomes: Conexiones brings students to a true intermediate-level of proficiency through its carefully chosen scope and sequence and gives steudents the necessary foundation to succeed in higher-level classes.The film was so shocking it was hard to believe the mindless events that took place could ever happen in the real world.Written by a senior compositor with over ten years' experience in both feature film and broadcast television, this book offers a broad range of alternative solutions that will save hours of fiddling with composites trying to get them to look right when the basic tools aren't working.